I get it, you want to move in a therapeutic smart way- where you won't aggravate existing areas of discomfort. 

  • You enjoy feeling strong and capable & don't want to be restricted by pain or discomfort
  • Maybe you haven't felt particularly athletic throughout your life, but you enjoy feeling connected and in tune with your body.
  • Intuitively you know you may need to slow down
  • Perhaps there are times when you over-do it, and you could use some tools you can do on your own to address your discomfort.

Healthy Hips & Lower Back: 12 Week Course 


12 Weeks of 2x Weekly Guided Practices (Lifetime access to Content!)

Each week you'll receive THREE recorded practices (Two 60-75 minute practices and 1 shorter practice) where I guide you through a sequence of therapeutic exercises designed to be supportive in releasing tight hips and easing lower back discomfort. You can experience these practices at your leisure.

You can continue to come back to any of the practices that feel especially beneficial for you.

Smart Sequencing Outline

You will also receive printable Smart Sequencing Outlines that are gentle and designed to support your lower back and hips. These can be great once you're comfortable with the routines & you want to better understand and experience specific therapeutic sequencing in your own practice. 

Experience Guided Therapeutic Practices designed to support Healthy Hips & Lower Backs!

  • Experience simple and effective therapeutic solutions
  • Feel more integrated & at ease in your body & mind
  • Learn how to move in a sustainable way! 

In this course you will learn through experience


Joint Mobility

Each practice includes a gentle warm up to safely awaken our joints & ease stiffness in the body. I often offer variations and we use props such as blocks & Yamuna balls to support us in moving mindfully.  


My approach is all about bringing balance and a sense of integration into the body. I guide you into isolated strengthening exercises that are therapeutic in igniting areas that may have become a little weak.  I guide you to listen to your body in an effort to find greater connection to your core, spine, hips and pelvis. 


Yamuna Body Rolling is a holistic practice designed to stimulate bone, work muscles from origin toward insertion points, and create length and space where there is tension. It can feel like a deep tissue massage, and supports the body in releasing long held areas of tension. I guide you every step of the way how to maneuver on the ball to access the most effective release. 

Are you ready to start moving in a truly therapeutic way?

I look forward to guiding you through simple and effective therapeutic exercises to strengthen, align & ease tight hips. 

Join Healthy Hips & Lower Back Course

Suzanne Laberge

Your classes are wonderful! Here's what I appreciate:

a) the specific directions, and the language you use, eg to earth, to sky 
b) the time to notice the subtle and distinct shifts from a small movement
c) the coordination with breath
All so important for anyone with trauma to re-enter the body safely 

Kristina Minister

“This year I have been body rolling on a regular basis. Recently I experienced a change in the way my spine functions. During a recent yoga session, I was led us into a series of bridge poses. I had not done a bridge pose in my yoga sessions this year. As I lowered my back down from its bridge, I felt a new and satisfying sensation. I could feel each vertebrae flex from the adjoining vertebrae as it connected to my mat. I conclude that body rolling has restored more flexibility to my spine.”

Lena Caravaggio

“There’s a soft approach to a whole-body total workout in yoga. I never knew that until attending your classes, Maura. Your spirit exudes in the class bringing a motivation to go deeper: deeper into a pose and deeper into a mind- body connection. You always offer something new, yet what stays constant is what keeps us coming to your class: that warm sense of peace you bring, your welcoming smile and gentle encouragement to either ‘stay here or go further’. In the year I’ve known you, my body has learned to release tension from joints in which I never knew I was holding stress. All I can say is thank you. You are truly a gift.”